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The Bound table contains the geographic bounding box definitions that can be applied to layers or used as starting bounds in versions.

Relevant tables

Table Name Description
Bound Geographic bounding box definitions that can be applied to layers or used as starting bounds in versions
Versions Contains a BoundId column used to define where the map starts on load
Layer Contains an optional BoundId column used to define what bounds the layer covers
Basemap Contains a BoundId column used to define what bounds the basemap covers


This table contains the bound details. The coordinates are defined in Spherical Mercator EPSG:3857.

  • Name - A friendly name for the bound used by admins
  • Description - A more detailed description for the bound used by admins
  • BottomLeftX - The X coordinate for the bottom left of the bounding box
  • BottomLeftY - The Y coordinate for the bottom left of the bounding box
  • TopRightX - The X coordinate for the top right of the bounding box
  • TopRightY - The Y coordinate for the top right of the bounding box


Within the Versions table, there is a BoundId column. Set this to the Id in the Bound table of the relevant bound and the version will load with that initial extent.


This does not stop users panning outside of those bounds (basemaps do that), it just sets the start extent when they first load the map.


Within the Layer table, there is an optional BoundId column. Set this to the Id in the Bound table of the relevant bound and the layer will not attempt to render or allow feature clicks outside of this bound. This can improve performance and efficiency, but is not required. Leave it blank for no bounds.


Within the Basemap table, there is a BoundId column. Set this to the Id in the Bound table of the relevant bound to restrict this basemap to that bound. This will also prevent users from panning outside of this bound.