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All layers need to be within a category. Layers can appear in many categories. Categories can appear in many versions.

Relevant tables

Table Name Description
Category Basic details about categories that layers can be sorted into
CategoryLayer Mapping between layers and the categories they are added to
VersionCategory Mapping between categories and versions, showing which categories are available in which version


This table contains the basic category details.

  • Name - The name of the category as it will appear in the layer control
  • Description - A friendly description of the category for administrators
  • Order - The order the category will appear in the layer control
  • ParentCategoryId - If this category is a child of another category, put the parents’ category ID in here. If not, leave it blank.


The CategoryLayer table defines which layers are available in which categories.

  • LayerId - The Id from the Layer table
  • CategoryId - The Id from the Category table
  • SortOrder - The position this layer should appear within this category


The VersionCategory table defines which categories are available in which versions.

  • VersionId - The Id from the Versions table
  • CategoryId - The Id from the Category table


If you want this category to appear in many versions, but in different orders, you will need to make different categories, as the ordering cannot be set by version


If your category is a child, both the parent AND child categories need to be added to this table.