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Print Configuration

Print configurations are basic details on the layout of prints in a version.

Work in progress

Currently the only supported customisation is the logo that appears on the print. More options will be added in the future

Relevant tables

Table Name Description
PrintConfigurations Contains the configurations for prints that can be applied to a version
VersionPrintConfiguration Mapping between print configurations and versions, showing which print configurations are available in which version


This table contains the details of all your custom print configurations.

  • Name - A friendly name for the configuration used by admins
  • LogoURL - The URL to a logo that will be drawn on to the map


The VersionPrintConfiguration table defines which print configurations are used in which versions.

  • VersionId - The Id from the Versions table
  • PrintConfigurationId - The Id from the PrintConfigurations table


If a specific configuration is not set for a version, it will fall back to that defined for the 'general' version