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Versions in GIFramework Maps can have different themes applied to them.

Relevant tables

Table Name Description
Theme Basic theme information that can be applied to versions, including logos and colours
Versions Contains a ThemeId column used to define what theme is applied to this version


This table contains the theme details.

  • Name - A friendly name for the theme used by admins
  • Description - A more detailed description for the theme used by admins
  • PrimaryColour - The hex code (without the #) for the primary colour used in the theme
  • LogoURL - A URL to the logo that appears in the top left. Ideally this should be an SVG or PNG
  • CustomFaviconURL - An optional URL to a folder containing the following four favicon items:
    • favicon.ico
    • apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png
    • android-chrome-192x192.png
    • android-chrome-512x512.png


Within the Versions table, there is a ThemeId column. Set this to the Id in the Theme table of the theme you want to apply.