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Versions are the best way to split maps up into different themes, with different layers, permissions and functionality.

The Versions table contains all the basic information about a version of GIFramework Maps.

Relevant tables

Table Name Description
Versions Contains the basic details about a version, including name, slug, start bound, theme and more
VersionAnalytic Identifies which analytics providers are enabled for a version
VersionBasemaps Contains details of the basemaps that a version has available and their default options
VersionCategory Contains a list of layer categories that a version has
VersionContact Lists the users that should be contacted regarding a version
VersionLayer Contains per-layer customisations applied to a version
VersionPrintConfiguration Identifies which print configuration a version uses
VersionProjections Lists the projections available to a version and what the defaults are
VersionSearchDefinition Lists the search definitions that are enabled in a version and their default settings
VersionUser Contains the users that have access to a version


  • Name - The name of the version. This also appears to the user in the top left
  • Description - A friendly description of the version. This also appears in the HTML meta description which is shown to search engines
  • Slug - The Slug is the bit on the end of the URL. You can have up to 3 parts to a slug, seperated by slashes. See slugs for more info
  • Enabled - A boolean indicating whether this version is enabled or not. Disabled versions will show a specific 'Disabled' message, rather than the standard 'Not found'
  • RequireLogin - A boolean indicating whether this version requires the user to login or not. Permissions need to be given to users using the VersionUser table.
  • RedirectionURL - An optional URL to redirect the user to instead of loading the version. Can be useful if a version changes slug, or you want to point people elsewhere. Will issue a HTTP 302 Found response with the URL provided
  • BoundId - The Id of a Bound to use as the start extent for this version
  • ThemeId - The Id of the Theme to use in this version
  • HelpURL - An optional URL to help documentation. A link will be put in the header of GIFramework Maps and in various other places if this URL is filled in. If left blank, no help link will be generated.
  • WelcomeMessageId - The Id of the WelcomeMessage to use in this version. Leave blank for no welcome message.
  • FeedbackURL - An optional URL to a feedback form. A link will be put in the header of GIFramework Maps if this URL is filled in. If left blank, no feedback link will be generated.
  • TourDetailsId - The Id of a TourDetails to use in this version. Leave blank for no tour.
  • ShowLogin - A boolean indicating whether to show a login button on the version. If a user is already logged in, the account box will still always show, regardless of this setting
  • VersionNotes - An optional text area to record any notes about the version. These are only seen by admin and cannot be seen by users.
  • FeaturedVersion - A boolean indicating whether to show a version in the 'Featured versions' area on the versions home page. Leaving this unchecked will put the version with 'All versions' underneath.
  • VersionImageURL - An optional URL to an image that will show on a version's card on the version home page. If a URL is not supplied, a default image of the world will be used. We recommend image sizes of 400px by 200px for a neat and consistent look.
  • Hidden - A boolean indicating whether to hide a version from the versions home page (this will not delete a version or stop it being accessed directly by its URL).


The VersionAnalytic table defines which analytics providers are available in which versions.

Slugs are the bit on the end of your application URL which direct you to different versions of GIFramework Maps. You can have a maximum of three slugs seperated by forward slashes.

By default, there should be one called 'general' which is where you will be directed if you have no slug on your URL.

Reserved slugs

There are a number of slugs that are reserved for use by the GIFramework Maps application. Using these will not work and may cause other unintended consequences.

  • general
  • account
  • api
  • print
  • search
  • broadcasthub
  • css
  • img
  • lib

You should not use these as the first part of the slug, regardless of any additional parts you put on the end, e.g. lib/myversion is not valid


'general' -> Root of application e.g. https://<your-application-root>/

'highways' -> https://<your-application-root>/highways

'very/long/slug' -> https://<your-application-root>/very/long/slug


The VersionBasemap table defines which basemaps are available in which versions.

  • VersionId - The Id from the Versions table
  • BasemapId - The Id from the Basemap table
  • IsDefault - Boolean indicating whether this basemap is the default one for that version
  • DefaultOpacity - The default opacity (or transparency) of the basemap between 0 (invisible) and 100 (opaque). Leave blank for default of 100
  • DefaultSaturation - The default saturation of the basemap between 0 (greyscale) and 100 (full colour). Leave blank for default of 100
  • SortOrder - The position the basemap will appear in the basemaps panel


The VersionCategory table defines which categories are available in which versions.

  • VersionId - The Id from the Versions table
  • CategoryId - The Id from the Category table


If you want this category to appear in many versions, but in different orders, you will need to make different categories, as the ordering cannot be set by version


If your category is a child, both the parent AND child categories need to be added to this table.


The VersionContact table defines which users should be contacted about a version.

  • VersionContactId - Unique ID for this entry
  • VersionId - The Id from the Versions table
  • UserId - The users unique identifier provided by the identity provider
  • DisplayName - The users display name
  • Enabled - Whether they should be included in the email drafting list


The VersionLayer table contains any per-layer customisations that have been applied to this version.

  • VersionId - The Id from the Versions table
  • LayerId - The Id from the Layer table
  • CategoryId - The Id from the Category table
  • IsDefault - Whether this layer is turned on by default or not
  • DefaultOpacity - The default opacity of the layer
  • DefaultSaturation - The default saturation of the layer
  • SortOrder - The position this layer appears within its category
  • MaxZoom - The maximum viewable zoom level of the layer
  • MinZoom - The minimum viewable zoom level of the layer
  • Id - Unique autogenerated ID for this customisation


The VersionPrintConfiguration table defines which print configurations are used in which versions.

  • VersionId - The Id from the Versions table
  • PrintConfigurationId - The Id from the PrintConfigurations table


If a specific configuration is not set for a version, it will fall back to that defined for the 'general' version


The VersionProjection table defines which projection the map renders in and what projections are available for viewing.

  • VersionId - The Id from the Versions table
  • ProjectionId - The Id from the Projections table
  • IsDefaultMapProjection - Whether this projection is the one used for map rendering
  • IsDefaultViewProjection - Whether this projection is the default one set as the display coordinates


The VersionSearchDefinition table defines which searches are available in which versions.

  • VersionId - The Id from the Versions table
  • SearchDefinitionId - The Id from the SearchDefinition table
  • Enabled - A boolean indicating whether this search is enabled by default (users can override this in the search options dialog)
  • Order - The order in which the search results are searched. Particularly important if the StopIfFound boolean is used
  • StopIfFound - Determines whether the further searches are conducted if a result has been found with this search


When you do a search, GIFramework Maps starts from the top of the list (sorted by the Order column) and works its way down until it finds a result. When it does, if the StopIfFound boolean is set to true, GIFramework Maps will not continue with any of the other searches. This prevents users from getting lots of potentially irrelevant results when a more relevant result has already been found.


If a specific search definition configuration is not found for a version, it will fall back to using search definitions defined for the 'general' version


The VersionUser table defines which individual users are allowed to access which versions. This only applies to versions with RequireLogin set to true.

To give a user acess to a version, simply provide their user identifier and the ID from the Versions table.


You can get a user's identifier (or your own) by getting them to go to https://<your-application-root>/account/diagnostics and looking up the nameidentifier value.