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Welcome messages

The welcome message is a popup that can appear when you first load the map. Welcome messages are configurable per version.

Relevant tables

Table Name Description
WelcomeMessages Contains the welcome message definitions that can be applied to a version
Versions Contains an optional WelcomeMessageId column used to define which welcome message to us in this version


This table contains the welcome message details.

  • Name - A friendly name for the welcome message used by admins
  • Title - The title used in the popup of the welcome message
  • Content - The HTML content of the popup message
  • Frequency - A number indicating how often to show the welcome messages. Available options are:
    • -1 - Indicates that the message should only be shown once, and never again
    • 0 - Indicates that the message should always be shown
    • Any positive number - Indicates the number of days to leave between showing the message again.
  • UpdateDate - A date when this message has been updated enough to re-show it to the user. For example, if you make significant changes to the message and want to forcibly re-trigger it for all users, set this to the current date, and anyone who hasn't viewed or dismissed the message since that date will be re-prompted
  • DismissOnButtonOnly - A boolean indicating whether the welcome message should only be closed by users clicking the dismiss button at the bottom, rather than the close button in the top or by clicking outside of the popup
  • DismissText - An optional string for the text that will appear in the dismiss button. Leave blank for default of 'Close'
  • ModalSize - A string to choose the size of the modal for the welcome message. Default is 'modal-lg' but you can use 'modal-fullscreen' if you want a larger message


Setting DismissOnButtonOnly to true along with a Frequency of 0 or 1, a custom DismissText and ModalSize of modal-fullscreen can work as a reasonable alternative to a standard 'Agree to our terms' screen. For user experience reasons, try not to do this too much if you don't need to


Within the Versions table, there is an optional WelcomeMessageId column. Set this to the Id in the WelcomeMessages table of the relevant welcome message you want the version to have. Set to null for no welcome message.


This feature relies on localStorage, a browser feature that allows us to store small amounts of data on the users browser. Some users or organisation may disable localStorage, in which case the welcome message will always trigger, regardless of the frequency setting